-     Javascript aktivieren d


This website uses Javascript for basic functions like switching through images, the language selection or the news pop-up.
The Javascript applications used on our homepage are safe and will not cause any threat to your operation system. Javascript is essential to experience the best results in viewing our website.

For activating Javascript follow the next steps depending on your operation system:

Internet Explorer

Depending on your browser setup, Javascipt may be blocked by default on the first visit of any homepage. In this case, a yellow bar will show up on the top of the webside (see the picture above).
Right-clicking on this bar will result in a drop down menue. Pick the option "Allow blocked contents" and confirm this decision in the following pop-up window..

Problem still existing?

Open the security options for the Internet Explorer (Extras > Internetoptions > Security > Adjust level).
Check if all options for "ActiveX", "Scripting"/"Script" are activated.
Set all options of these categories to "activate" or "prompt" (recommended).



Go to "Extras > Settings > Contents " and choose "Activate Javascript".


Other Browses

Most Internetbrowsers are very similar. Search their options/settings for "Activate Javascript"/"Allow scripts" (description text may differ) or check the support information.


Other reasons for fail functionings:

It is possible that your browser is outdated and simply cannot support Javascript. In this case, an browser update is recommended..